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Had an accident abroad? What you need to know

By 17th July 2018July 9th, 2024Travel Injury
Had An Accident Abroad?

Had an accident abroad?

Whilst most of us would probably like to be staying at home enjoying the heatwave a great many of us will still be travelling abroad this Summer. While holidays are a time to relax and rejuvenate it’s important to know your rights, and what to do, if you are unfortunate to be involved in an accident that is not your fault while away.

It’s important to know that, subject to what might happen with Brexit if you are involved in a road traffic accident while in another E.U. country, you can instruct a solicitor at home and present your claim in Northern Ireland.

By doing so you will be entitled to recover the amount of compensation that you would recover in the country where your accident occurred. We at JMK Solicitors have dealt with many cases such as these including having recently settled a claim for personal injuries sustained by our client when travelling to her hotel from Malaga Airport, Spain.

If you have booked a package holiday (your hotel and flights together) and have been injured because of a mistake by your hotel, for instance, if you have slipped, or contracted food poisoning, you may have a right to claim at home where your contract was formed between you and your tour operator. Claims such as these apply worldwide.

Top tips:

  1. Take photographs at the scene of the accident if safe to do so.
  2. If a road traffic accident: note the registration number of both the vehicle you were travelling in and any other vehicles involved. Obtain the details of the drivers involved including insurance details, and any witness details too. If the other vehicle is a lorry with a trailer make sure you take photographs of both as the insurers may be different.
  3. You may be asked to complete a European Accident Statement, (EAS), at the scene. Ensure all details completed are accurate and correct and obtain a copy or take a photograph of this too.
  4. If emergency services are called to the scene take note of which station/ hospital etc they are attached to.
  5. If you are buying travel insurance, it is always recommended to purchase it before you leave, to cover instances such as accidents and notify your insurance company as soon as you are involved in one. It is also important to travel with an EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) when in Europe.
  6. Ensure you are adequately insured when taking your own car abroad. Report all accidents as soon as possible to your insurance company or to your hire car provider if applicable. We would also recommend you read carefully the terms of your hire car agreement, for example, you may be subject to damage costs if not adequately protected against these costs.
  7. Keep a note of any medications you have been prescribed while away including the name and address of the medical provider you attended.

Northern Ireland’s number 1 personal injury experts can help you.

Established over 20 years and ranking as NI’s Number 1 Personal Injury Solicitors for the last decade, JMK Solicitors assist clients all over Northern Ireland. If you have suffered a personal injury, been in a road traffic accident, or had an accident at work, contact our team for a free consultation.

Call us today on 028 9032 0222 or email us law@jmksolicitors.com


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