This guide contains advice and information for attending consultant’s medical appointments arranged by JMK. It is important that you obtain treatment as necessary for your symptoms/injuries, but this should be arranged through your own GP / hospital.

Please keep in mind that the purpose of any appointment arranged by JMK is to obtain a report to document and provide an opinion on your injuries, and NOT to provide you with advice or treatment. The consultant’s report is of crucial importance in your case, as it is the evidence on which the injury element of your case is valued.

If you do not tell the consultant about all effects of your accident, the full extent of your injury and suffering will not be recorded in the medical report. Likewise, if you fail to tell the consultant something (like a previous medical issue/injury/accident) during your appointment, it could have a serious effect on the compensation that you receive.

With your consent, we will strive to ensure that the consultant has access to your medical notes and records in advance of your appointment but regardless, it is vital that you inform the consultant of all/any relevant medical issues – whether or not a claim for compensation was made by you.

Please be reassured that having a previous similar injury/issue does not prevent a claim, if that injury/issue was worsened or you suffered a recurrence because of the accident.

Different consultants have different areas of expertise and in some instances (depending upon the nature of your injuries) you may require to be seen by more than one consultant, at separate appointments.

Your Legal Advisor will advise you on the appropriate consultant(s) for you. Please be aware that a consultant with a specific speciality, may not be able to comment or assess all of your injuries.

Despite this, it is important that all injuries are reported to each consultant.

Preparing For Your Appointment

It is important that the consultant fully understands the effects of the accident on you and your life.

Prior to your appointment, we would advise that you consider the following, in order that you can make sure that the consultant is fully informed;

  • Details as to how the accident happened and if a road traffic accident, your position in the vehicle, whether you were aware of the impending impact, how severe the impact was, if a seatbelt was worn, if airbags deployed, if you were assisted out of the vehicle and brief details regarding the area of damage to the vehicle.
  • The injuries you sustained, the time scale for onset, the level of symptomology and what treatment was initially sought (ambulance/hospital/GP).
  • Details of medications/investigations.
  • The progression of your symptoms (for each site/area of injury) over the weeks/months since the accident and whether you needed anyone to assist you with housework/personal care/gardening for any period of time.
  • Your current symptoms including any affect the accident is having on you in your day-to-day activities (mobility/home-life/school/work/leisure/activities/hobbies/driving ability/sleep).
  • Details of what makes the symptoms better or worse.
  • Details of any injury symptoms which have resolved in advance of the appointment date and the relevant time scale.
  • What additional treatment, if any, you have received since the accident e.g. GP, hospital, x-rays, physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, counselling, CBT.
  • Any time off work and any adaptation to duties on return to work.
  • Your relevant previous medical history.
  • The consultant needs to be given full details of similar injuries suffered in the past or indeed since the date of the accident, any chronic illness/symptoms, any long-term medications as well as details of any previous accidents/claims.
  • If you have been for previous medical appointments in respect of your claim it is vital that you re-read those reports to refresh your memory and ensure consistency.
JMK solicitors checklist

For Face to Face Appointments

Please ensure that you attend in good time and at the right location. If you have never been to the appointment location before, please ensure that you allow yourself adequate time for travel and traffic.

Please note that certain clinics/consultants may operate a COVID protocol.

For Remote Appointments

Please check in advance the means by which the appointment will be conducted (e.g. WhatsApp/Zoom) and ensure that you have downloaded the necessary App to your smartphone/other device and have the necessary login details and
passwords (if required).

Please ensure that you have an internet connection/ sufficient mobile data.

Please be available or log in 5 minutes before the appointment time and remember that in some instances the consultant may be running late, please be patient and stay available/remain in the virtual waiting room until the consultant is able to join.

You must ensure that you will be alone and in a quiet, private area when the appointment is taking place.

The guidance above applies to all consultants and all appointments, but please, see below for further and more detailed information upon some of the main areas of speciality.

Orthopaedic / A&E Consultant Appointments

An appointment with an Orthopaedic/A&E Consultant will normally take the form of a series of questions followed by a short physical examination/assessment.

Psychiatric Consultant Appointments

The Psychiatric Consultant will ask about your personality and how it may have been affected by the accident. You will be asked in depth questions about any previous experience of stress/mental health issues and any treatment received.  You will also be asked about any relevant family history and your childhood and family life as well as any previous trauma or significant life events.

Consultant Radiologist (Imaging) Appointments

After your scan/x-ray has been performed by a radiographer, the results will be interpreted by the Consultant Radiologist who will prepare a report and provide this to us.

MRI or X-ray

Before the MRI scan or x-ray can take place, you may be asked to complete a questionnaire concerning any metal you might have in your body. This includes any screws, piercings mechanical implants, artificial joints or cardiac pacemakers. You may also be asked to confirm whether you have ever worked with metal or had any shrapnel injuries. You will also be asked if applicable, to confirm that there is no possibility you are pregnant and you may be asked about your menstrual cycle.

Please note on the day of the appointment you will be asked to take off anything metal.  You may be asked to change into a hospital gown. During an MRI, you will be asked to lie on your back on a table, which slides inside a cylinder-shaped machine. The radiographer may use pillows or straps to adjust your position and help you to stay still.  The machine is open ended so you won’t be completely enclosed at any time, but if you are claustrophobic you need to let us know. It can take several minutes for each image to be taken, so it is important to lie very still and breathe gently. Please note also the MRI machine itself makes a very loud banging or clanging sound for the duration of the scan so you may be given some earplugs to make you more comfortable.

During an X-ray you will stand, sit, or lie for the imaging. The radiographer will help position you correctly. They may cover you with a heavy lead apron to protect certain parts of your body from the radiation.  You will need to hold very still while the pictures are taken. The radiographer may ask you to hold your breath for a few seconds.

Ultrasound scan

Before the Ultrasound scan can take place, you may be asked, if applicable, to complete a questionnaire concerning your menstrual cycle depending upon the area to be scanned.

At the appointment, you may need to change into a hospital gown. You will most likely be lying down on a table or sitting on a chair with a section of your body exposed for the test.

A consultant radiologist or radiographer will apply a special lubricating jelly to your skin. This prevents friction from the ultrasound transducer and helps to transmit sound waves. The transducer has a similar appearance to a microphone. You may need to change position during the scan so the consultant radiologist/radiographer can have better access.

The whole procedure typically lasts less than 30 minutes, depending on the area being examined.

Consultant Plastic Surgeon Appointments

The Consultant Plastic Surgeon will report on the prognosis and severity of any scarring, skin or tissue damage caused by the accident.

Please note you may wish to wear suitable clothing to facilitate the Consultant’s examination.

ENT (Ear Nose Throat) Consultant Appointments

An appointment with an ENT Consultant will take the form of a physical examination followed by a series of questions and some further tests. Examinations may include the use of medical equipment to look inside your eardrum. Hearing tests and balance tests may also be carried out. You will be asked about symptoms such as hearing loss, ringing in the ears or loss of balance.

Neurology Consultant Appointments

The Consultant Neurologist will likely ask when symptoms began, if there was any direct trauma, how long your symptoms lasted or if ongoing, whether they have improved. You will also be asked whether you have experienced any associated symptoms such as pain, headache, nausea, imbalance, vomiting, weakness, or seizures.

Where loss of consciousness occurs, close attention will be paid to the period immediately before, during and after the trauma. In terms of any pain you are experiencing you will need to advise the Consultant as to its location, any radiation, its nature (stabbing, stinging, lightning-like, pounding, etc), its severity and its frequency. They will also be interested to know what makes it worse and what relieves the pain.

JMK Solicitors are totally committed to ensuring that you achieve the best possible outcome at the end of your legal journey with us.

If there are any further questions or concerns you may have in relation to your medical appointment or any aspect of the legal process please do not hesitate to contact your Legal Representative.

We pride ourselves on being able to provide you with a prompt and personal service.

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